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What Are You Doing September 25th?

Before we begin, please note that every word in this post depends on the “CoVid Situation” being at a manageable level this fall, and that state and local regulations will allow medium-to-large gatherings to take place!


We are *cautiously* proceeding in the hopes that we will be able to hold the Paper Anthology Papercrafters’ Garage Sale on September 25, 2021. To that end, if you’d like to be a vendor, please email to reserve a spot and obtain your number. Then, please read the rest of this post!

Vendor Information

1. Vendors need not be present at the sale, all items are displayed together, arranged roughly in categories, on tables inside and (weather permitting) outside Paper Anthology.

2. Each vendor will be given an individual number, which must be marked CLEARLY on all your items, along with the price you’ve set for that item.

3. Buyers will be able to pay for all their items in one transaction, and the amounts due to each vendor will be recorded at the register. At the end of the day, each vendor’s sales will be tallied and the total, less 5% vending fee, will be presented to you, the following week, in the form of a Paper Anthology Gift Card.

4. All sale items must be CLEARLY MARKED with your vendor number and your price. Yes, we already mentioned this in Point 1, but experience has taught us, we cannot possibly overstress the importance of clarity! If the cash register operator cannot decipher your price, they will have to GUESS. If they cannot decipher your vendor number, the sale will be recorded to Paper Anthology. We highly recommend un-smudge-able ink and nice sturdy stickers.

5. Prices must end in .25 cents, .50 cents, .75 cents or .00! If you have a bunch of items you’d like to price at .10 cents each, group them together in a little bag! (Grab bags and “collections” of miscellaneous paper or embellies generally sell really well; we all love a “surprise” assortment, right?)

6. Sale items may be dropped off no earlier than the Saturday before the sale (9.18.21) and picked up no later than the Saturday after the sale (10.2.21).

1 thought on “What Are You Doing September 25th?

  1. Glad to hear that you are going to try for your garage sale in September.

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