Paper Anthologists, please note that the store will be closed this evening, Thursday, April 18, 2024. We expect to have normal hours tomorrow (Friday, April 19th: 6 to 9pm) and Saturday (10am to 5pm) but if that changes we’ll let you know here on the blog and via social media. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Category: Store Closing
4pm Closing: Tuesday 2-27-24
Snow Delay: Opening 11am (Saturday 2-17-24)
Paper Anthology will open a little late today, at 11am on Saturday, February 17, 2024, thanks to the overnight gift of… a little more snow! We expect to be open normal hours (10am to 2pm) on Monday, February 19th, for your Presidents’ Day shopping pleasure; but as always, when we’re affected by winter weather, or any other change in schedule, we will announce it here on the Paper Anthology Blog.
Snow Day: 1/19/24
Due to Mother Nature’s latest “gift” of Winter Precipitation, Paper Anthology will be closed tonight, Friday, January 19, 2024. We expect to be open normal hours tomorrow (Saturday 1-20-24) from10am-5pm; but as always, when there’s winter weather, or any other change in schedule, we’ll announce it here on the Paper Anthology Blog. Apologies for any inconvenience; keep warm and CRAFT ON! ♥
Closing at 3pm Today (1-6-24)
Paper Anthology will be closing early today, Saturday, January 6, 2024 (at 3pm rather than 5pm) in order to welcome* the first Winter Storm of the year from the safety of home. Here’s hoping that the name “Ember” will be prophetic and keep New Jersey too warm for snow accumulation. Meanwhile, if you’re out and about this weekend please take care. And do check for updates before venturing out on Monday… just in case!
*Using the word “welcome” in the LOOSEST possible sense here; afterall, half of the word sNOw is NO… a coincidence?! We think not!
Store Closed Tonight! (Thursday 10-19-23)
Closed Labor Day Weekend
Paper Anthology will be closed Saturday, September 2nd through Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. You can shop during regular hours on Thursday and Friday evening, August 31st and September 1st, from 5-9pm; and all day (10am to 5pm) on Tuesday, September 5th, which will also be the next Crop and Shop Day; more info on that later. Wishing you a safe, happy and creative holiday weekend!
Closed Monday 8/7/23
Regular Hours This Weekend (Closed Tuesday)
Goin’ Fishin’ (Closed Memorial Day Weekend)
Paper Anthology will be closed Saturday, May 27th through Monday, May 29th to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend. If you need an idea for the three day holiday, may we point out that this is an excellent time to go fishing? Alternatively, you could concentrate on gardening, hang out with family and friends, or do some papercrafting. As always, the Paper Anthology online store will be open 24/7. Whatever you decide to do, we wish you safe travels, good weather and happy times! ♥